
The people of the Eastern Shore are very lucky that they will be in such good hands. You bring a brilliant energy and focus to your work as well as clear dedication.  —H.S.T.

” From the beginning, I was comforted by your presence and healing touch. Each time you felt pulses, palpated a point, or inserted a needle, I was brought back to my body and spirit, slipping out of my mind and into the treatment… It is no overstatement to say you guided me through one of the most major shifts of my life…. This has been a wonderful journey working with you, and I will treasure it until the end.”  —E.M.

You offered me possibility in a situation where I didn’t see any light. Your artful and poetic way with words is part of what makes interactions with you so refreshing and powerful…I know you bring this to each of your patients.  —R.M.

The benefits that I have received from your care are not limited solely to my physical ailments.  My emotional state of mind has also improved 100%…I cannot compliment you highly enough regarding the care that you have shown to me during our discussions prior to the actual treatment.  I must commend you on your sharp listening skills and gentle, but precise inquiries regarding my emotional health…Amanda, I am so blessed to have such a caring practitioner.  The positive results that I have experienced over the past year have been a God-send. —C. B.